Affiliated with the Diocese of Victoria, St. Anthony Catholic School offers classes from 3K through 8th grade. We celebrate over 63 years of academic excellence and helping families pass on faith and knowledge to the youngest generation.
Come join us for Children's Mass held on Friday mornings at 8:15 a.m.
Welcome to St. Anthony Catholic School! Thank you for visiting our website and exploring all the special qualities and offerings of St. Anthony Catholic School. This school has been molding outstanding Christian students for well over half a century! It is our responsibility to provide all students in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade with opportunities for spiritual growth while fostering academic excellence and leadership experiences to develop kind, responsible, well-mannered, and industrious students.
We recognize the importance of a strong working relationship between home and school. It is important for our teachers and parents to keep an open line of communication in order to cultivate the best learning environment for all students. We hope that our parents value the dedication of the faculty within this school, and the faculty also values the choice our families make when sending their children here. It is a relationship that involves work from both home and school, and we at St. Anthony Catholic School will do our best to keep that line of communication open for the good of all our children.
St. Anthony Catholic School is proud of the accomplishments of our graduates over the years, with many of them successfully achieving top awards in high school, college and beyond. We strive to graduate students with leadership skills, experience with extracurricular activities, and academic challenges to build character, broaden horizons and spiritually challenge each of them. It takes work. It requires commitment, and we are committed to making each student develop into the best version of him/herself. We strive to make the 'school of today' the 'hope of tomorrow' as we guide each student to know, love and serve God.
Many Blessings,
Shawna Collins
St. Anthony Catholic School is committed to promoting academic excellence, individual responsibility, and spiritual awareness among the students so they may live more fully in relationship with God and others. “Be it known to all who enter here that CHRIST is the reason for this school, the unseen but ever present TEACHER in its classes, the MODEL of its faculty, the INSPIRATION of its students.”
St. Anthony Catholic School endorses the call of the Catholic Bishops of the United States to express its educational ministry through the three objectives of personal spirituality, social justice, and a strong academic program in accord with Christian values. This commitment extends to building Christian community and to fostering Christian services to the whole human family.
Our Catholic School Vision is to instill in all SAS students the following:
• To allow Christ into their lives so he will be at the center of all they do or say.
• To have a passion to seek high academic standards, and embrace new learning experiences.
• To prepare for a life of service which means to forget oneself and to live for others.
• To enrich the spirit through prayer, by studying/living the Gospel, being humble to the Sacraments, and loving their neighbor.
• To participate in the extra opportunities in order to strive to reach their full potential within “God’s Plan."